Our Whole Life Into His Hands
"I was once trying to explain to a physician who had charge of a large hospital the necessity and meaning of consecration, but he seemed unable to understand.
At last I said to him, 'Suppose in going your rounds among your patients, you should meet with one man who entreated you earnestly to take his case under your especial care in order to cure him, but who should at the same time refuse to tell you all his symptoms or to take all your prescribed remedies, and should say to you, "I am quite willing to follow your directions as to certain things, because they commend themselves to my mind as good but in other matters I prefer judging for myself, and following my own directions.
"What would you do in such a case?' I asked.
'Do!' he replied with indignation - 'Do?! I would soon leave such a man as that to his own care. For of course' he added, 'I could do nothing for him unless he put his whole case into my hands without reserves, and would obey my directions implicitly.'
And that is consecration, ' I continued. 'God must have the whole case put into His hands without any reserves and His directions must be implicitly followed.'
'I see it,' he exclaimed, 'I see it!'"
Consecration is the first thing. In order for a soul to be made into a vessel unto God's honor, 'sanctified and meet for the master's use, and prepared unto every good work', it must be utterly abandoned to Him and must lie passive in His hands.
Hannah W. Smith "The Christian's Secret to a Happy Life" ♡
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