Sunday, July 26, 2020

We Were Meant For So Much More

There was once a few pigs and a few chickens in a barnyard. The pigs were wallowing in the mud and the chickens were scratching in the dirt. One of the pigs, Frank, said to the other pigs, Judy and Harold, "This stinks. Literally. The same thing, every day, mud, mud, mud. I'm sick of it. And I'm so bored." Harold then disgustedly commented, "I'm so sick of fighting over scraps that don't even taste good. What a rotten life."

Judy agreed and said, "You know, I remember my great grandmother talking about living in the palace as a young girl, how wonderful and clean and full of light it was. She said we came from nobility and were part of the royal family. I wonder what happened? Why don't we live there anymore?"

The chickens who were nearby and very nosy, overheard the pigs talking. One of the chickens, named Fancy because he was so colorful, said to the other chickens, Henrietta and Wilma, "Yeah I remember some of the stories my grandfather used to tell me about living in the palace too. He said that we flew like the eagles and didn't have to scratch in the dirt for our food. I always thought those were just stories though." Henrietta, who was prone to daydreaming, dreamily said, "Oh how nice. To fly above it all, to coast on the wind, lazily turning circles in the air, looking down on all this from up there. Oh how wonderful. I wish it were true." Wilma, the cranky one, said, "Snort. I wouldn't mind NOT having to work so hard scratching for food, worrying about tomorrow, whether there will be enough worms and  NOT eating dust and dirt anymore! Tsk!"

The cat sauntered by, who struck fear in the hearts of the chickens and vexed the pigs, commented with a sneer, "What are you fools talking about? You're just pigs and chickens. Royalty? HA! Mud and dirt is the life for you."  and walked away looking entirely too pleased with himself.

So the pigs and the chickens went on day after day, wallowing and scratching, not knowing they were meant for better things. They were of royal blood; the palace was indeed their home. They were meant to live with the King and be part of His family, taking care of His kingdom, attending to royal business. They had riches galore, food aplenty, comfort and warmth and love and laughter and purpose. Free from the dirty, stinky, bleak, boring confines of the barnyard. They would have been taught to fight, to be valiant warriors. They were children of the King.

 This knowledge was somehow lost to them though. They had no idea that these riches belonged to them, that it was already theirs. It was sitting in the royal treasury, just waiting to be discovered and used for the good of the Kingdom. They were rich and did not know it. The palace was their home and they were living in the dirt and mud, burdened by the cares of tomorrow. What a waste. What a shame!

2 Chronicles 34 and 2 Kings 22 - "The Book of the Law Found" - What we were meant to be.

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